Web Design and Content

Do you need a creatively designed Web site with well-written content?

Web design and content has come a long way from the heady days of design exuberance and experimentation. Definitely a thing of the past is a site that attempts to cram in every bit of graphics and animation excitement at the expense of true design capability. These days users (and search engines) very quickly decide whether a site is professionally designed or not, and they tend to spend time only at those that meet the criteria of professional design along with accessibility and content value. We will customize the look of your Web site using WordPress templates and develop Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and Social Networks. Other factors that are critical are consistency and navigation. Users are no longer prepared to guess at how a site’s navigational structure works or waste time figuring it out – no matter how graphically attractive a site might be. The trend is towards sleeker sites with intuitive navigation and helpful content.

Contact Theresa (ecottage@gmail.com) for Web design and content, and Gary (garyart@gmail.com) for SEO and social media management.

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