Published Authors

These are some published authors that have commissioned the services of the South African Writers’ Network. While many new titles are published annually by traditional publishers, some authors prefer to self-publish their work so that they may enjoy a number of competitive advantages, including faster time to market, greater creative freedom, closer relationships with readers and thus a better understanding of reader desires, earning higher profits generated from sales, and cost-effective pricing flexibility. Back in the early days of publishing an unknown author would need to be confident that their manuscript was readily marketable if it had any hope of being reviewed; you were either traditionally published or not published at all.

Writers who were not offered a publishing deal were regarded failures, because without access to the publisher’s professional know-how it was virtually impossible to get books printed and distributed to reach readers. However, many traditional publishers today still dismiss many [unread] manuscripts that do not fit their category selection or send out rejection letters to aspiring authors, and in general are not interested in the work of beginners that is not of a high standard and polished [more so if the work does not fit their current list of select genre].

Yet, one would imagine that access to a decent supply of manuscripts is the life-blood of a publishing business; perhaps traditional publishers should publicize their chosen genre to encourage purpose-driven writing and quality submissions. Few authors realize that each manuscript received by a publisher, whether rejected or accepted, costs the publisher money to manage their evaluation procedure[besides the high cost for editing, layout, design, printing, publicity, marketing, distribution], whether to reject a work out-rightly, have it read by a team of readers, or to negotiate a formal agreement with an author. Today, an author has access to several alternative publishing choices. The contemporary writer can begin writing their manuscript today, confident that one way or another, it will get published either traditionally or independently [self-publishing in hard copy or e-book format].

Poems, written in Sesotho by Isaiah Khotseng, are a powerful instructional tool and an important art to study at any age. Isaiah says poetry is a way to understand how language and symbolic systems work. “It is a worthy expression of emotion, or deep feelings, and aesthetics, or even a sense of what is beautiful about the world”, he says. To order copies of these books, contact Isaiah Khotseng by email:

Papadit Bassia

“Poverty is not a Disease” is a personal rendition of the author’s transition from humble immigrant in South Africa to a thriving entrepreneur and author. Written by Papadit [Eddie] Bassia, the book comprises 8 chapters. Bassia discusses his experiences since his arrival in South Africa. “I suffered like many citizens from unemployment, in addition to encountering a language problem, xenophobia, and lack of guidance to identify contacts to gather relevant information – all of which created obstacles to further my intention to become self-employed and financially independent. As a foreigner on South African soil I was encouraged by the many opportunities that sprang to mind, despite the crippling lack of support to actively promote entrepreneurship.” Papadit explains that his determination to help fight unemployment and get people motivated to ‘do it for themselves’ resulted in him gathering vital information to self-publish this book. “Poverty is not a Disease” includes the following aspects:  Entrepreneurship and motivation; Business opportunities and sectors; Business Models;  Sources of financing; Organizations in support of Entrepreneurship in South Africa; Market penetration; and List of companies to work with. This book takes the prospective entrepreneur through the essential steps of becoming successfully self-employed, from identifying a unique [and profitable] business idea, how to write a formal business plan, and finding the money [investors] to fund your idea. In addition, it also includes a comprehensive directory of names and addresses of organizations that will be able to help you on your journey out of poverty. To buy a copy [R150, including Postage within South Africa] email name and postal address to or An Invoice with banking details will be forwarded to you by return mail.

PAPADIT BASSIA is a young Congolese of RDC researcher and writer. He obtained a degree in Economics from the University of Kinshasa in 2002. He has since 2004 mentored students in business development from different universities. Papadit Bassia currently resides in Durban [KZN], South Africa.



A social contract with business as the basis for a postmodern MBA in a world of inclusive globalisation – a critical metasynthesis (2009) by Dr. Jopie Coetzee. Available in Paperback and eBook edition. Institution: University of South Africa (Pretoria, SA) Degree: Doctor of Business Leadership; Year: 2009. “This is arguably one of the most important studies I have read on the kind of revolutionary challenges facing MBA practitioners in a rapidly evolving world economy of inclusive globalisation. The author successfully illustrates the critical call for business leaders worldwide to unleash entrenched inward thinking and instead embrace diversification and acceleration that will have a profound affect on the future prosperity and safety of all humanity. This reader-friendly book is aimed at academia to sanction the development of a postmodern MBA, business leaders to re-think their strategies to originate sustained growth, and impending entrepreneurs seeking extraordinary insights for new ventures. I can’t but wonder how the 1950’s pioneers of the MBA curriculum would act in response to present day social and economic challenges.” (Editor: SA Writers’ Network Theresa Lutge-Smith). Contact the author to order a copy (


The Tapestry by Charmaine Muir is a collection of short stories, published in October 2008. What is life if not a pursuit of happiness? The author takes you on a journey to illustrate how love and relationships that encounter unexpected circumstances, young love, disillusionment of youthful dreams, social prejudice, and unrequited love, sculpt individuality. According to Charmaine Muir, “As we mature, our self-awareness and self-identity awakens and our expectation of a future better than the present shapes our sense of well-being. Foresight instructs us to build enduring relationships through a continual source of love and respect, which then leads us to build a life plan and set progressive goals for actualizing it.” The primary message within the short stories–titles include “A Whore’s Daughter”, “Just One Last Time”, “Neo’s Dream” and “The Wrong Brother”–underlies the significance of embracing change as a means to empower inner strength to approach life with positive hope and a receptive heart. 



The Guarantee by Edgar Smit, published in October 2008. The Guarantee is a non-sectarian, non-denominational book aimed at anyone who wants to improve his or her life, achieve their goals faster, develop and improve relationships or generally become a better person. This self-help guide expands existing beliefs and opens up the Absolute Universal Truth. The author appropriately quotes Plato to accentuate the focus of the book: “Truth is the beginning of every good thing, both in heaven and on earth; and he who would be blessed and happy should be from the first a partaker of truth, for then he can be trusted.” In writing the book Edgar Smit intended to create astute awareness of inspirational wisdom and access to the universal energy source where all opportunities to improve one’s life, achieve prosperity and become a better person, reside. The Guarantee aims to initiate your inner awakening; by acknowledging negative influences in your life you allow new energy to empower you. Buy a copy from Theresa ( @ R90 (incl. postage within South Africa).


When Kili Calls by Colleen Searle was published in October 2007. “This book celebrates a physical journey of discovery that was very personal, but most importantly it was also a  spiritual journey. Experiencing Kilimanjaro had such a profound effect on my life that I felt compelled to share my story. If you have already climbed Kilimanjaro, I hope this book sparks both the exquisite as well as the poignant memories. If you are contemplating or planning a trip, may this book inspire you all the way to the very top. Africa is often characterized as the black sheep of the global flock and yet it holds so many hidden treasures. In his acclaimed speech “I am an African”, former President of South Africa Thabo Mbeki, set forth a wondrous illustration of the magnificence of Africa.  Whilst preparing for our journey, we discovered so much of the variety that Africa has to offer and it left us with a renewed sense of belonging. If we allow life to become tedious and mundane we miss the essence of human existence.  We must always strive to honor the gift of life and explore its infinite possibilities.  We have been given the gift of Africa and explore it we must. We all encounter mountains in our lifetime; sometimes they are little hills that might require only scant effort to conquer but ever so often they are grander than even the majestic Himalayas. Whichever scale of mountain you face today you have several choices as to how you will interpret the challenges relevant to its scale. You could turn back, you could go around or you could decide to attempt the steep ascent. Whichever choice you make it is yours alone and nothing can relieve you of that responsibility.” (Colleen Searle) Order the book from Amazon (Kindle e-book) or contact the author ( to buy a hard copy.


Scribbles in the Sand by Bernard Nieuwoudt was published in 2006. Bernard Nieuwoudt is a proficient poet, educated in classical languages and works as a lecturer in the field of information technology. He has published short verses since his childhood. Scribbles in the Sand is a personal anthology that takes the reader on a poignant voyage that evokes both raw emotion and spiritual inspiration. Contact the author on


Spin – Escaping the Volcano by Diana R. Bain, “Parents and young readers  alike will fall in love with the compelling narrative of life in the ancient Roman Empire at the time when the city of Pompeii was destroyed by a volcanic eruption. This moving and convincing novel was published in 2012. The author succeeds in dramatizing life in provincial Roman society in AD 79, entrancing the reader with a story immersed in intrigue, social disparity, friendship, and courage. A glance at the chapter titles offers a clue of how the adventure unfolds; the story opens with “The Magpie’s Treasure”, halfway through “The Dangerous Banquet” and in closing “Voyage to Freedom”, taking the reader on a captivating journey across the threshold of time. The author teases the reader by creating anticipation that appeals to our primitive fight-or-flight response as well as our rational need to solve problems. The purpose of the book, I believe, is to teach modern day children (and their elders) that history imparts personal identity and improves our capacity for determination and judgment. “Spin – Escaping the Volcano” shows us models of good and responsible citizenship, helps us identify with change and societal development and provides a context from which to understand ourselves and others. The book title meshes well with the mysterious way in which two modern day children cross the threshold of time and the relationships forged with people from a vastly different era. The reader is provoked to play a part in the unfolding plot, but is also enthralled as they recognize challenges and solutions that relate to the present. The reader is given a lesson in the value of human kindness bestowed on those who suffer adversity; by comparison, in times of crisis most people today focus purely on their own welfare and survival. Diana R. Bain’s writing is eloquent yet understandable. She brings the story to an open-ended close with a thought-provoking issue that raises a succession of theories for the reader – something to look forward to in the sequel. This novel in essence explores the complexity of escaping tyranny and embracing liberty. The author succeeds in providing an in-depth and dramatic narrative in a style that is clear, precise and rich with meaning and connotations. Review by Theresa Lutge-Smith (February 2013). Order a copy from Brymble Books or Amazon.


The 21 Opposite Directions that Separate the Rich & the Poor, by Dr. John Mphaphuli, was published in 2012. “We all recognize a rich person when we see one. These individuals seem to possess qualities that the rest of us desperately lack yet yearn to attain. But the possibility to becoming wealthy is a skill and not a gift allocated to a select few, nor is financial independence achieved by some form of magic or luck. Do you want your life to include an abundance of riches with the prospect of continuous wealth creation? Do you often dream of living a more fruitful and financially rewarding life? Do you aspire or wish to achieve your full potential in all areas of life? Are you prepared to challenge current limitations to become debt free, cultivate financial intelligence and become money-wise? This is a how-to book that details the basic rules of wealth creation. How-to turn limited income into a million-Rand fortune. How-to keep and not just save your money. How-to grow your money and earn more while working less or going on early retirement. How-to build an asset portfolio. How-to maximize long-term investments.” (John Mphaphuli, Pd.D.) Contact the author (

Contact Theresa ( if you want to get published. Submit your manuscript.

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