

Many people don’t have time nor the inclination to enroll for courses that require them to attend formal classes. These self-study tutorials allow learners to work at their own pace and choose which modules to focus on as needed. The motivation for self-study is varied. You may need to acquire specific skills to meet the criteria for a promotion or job application or simply to refresh latent or buried talents. Learners are invited to submit practical assignments for comment.These tutorials are available in e-book format.


Frequently Asked Questions

Is SAWN a collaborative controlling body, college or institution?
The South African Writers’ Network (SAWN) is not a registered education institution. The aim of these tutorials is to provide an aspiring writer with enough background information to embark on a potentially lucrative career – full-time or freelance – as a writer, editor or self-publisher. Working through the various modules, the writer will discover their niche.

Is there a syllabus that needs to be followed?
The tutorial is divided into numerous modules, some including titles of publications that should be read and online links to relevant web sites.

Are there projects the learner should complete?
Assignments are included in some of the tutorials, that may be forwarded to SAWN for comment.

Who would I contact for advice?
SAWN invites the learner to keep in touch to let us know how their career progresses. The tutorial/course implies an ongoing mentorship and continuing guidance. 

What about exams?
No examinations are written. By forwarding the assignments for comment you will benefit from constructive criticism and advice to improve your writing. SAWN is a platform for established and novice writers, which includes access to contact details for both local and international job markets, guidelines on how to
market your work.

Do I get any form of qualification?
Since the aim of this tutorial is to “awaken” your latent talent as a writer, your “qualification” will be in the form of producing articles or features that are accepted for publication – in print or on the Internet. The emphasis of these tutorials is not on attaining paper qualifications, but rather on achieving practical results.

What about time-management?
You work at your own pace, within your personal time constraints.

How do I order?
Indicate which of the self-study tutorials you wish to receive by contacting Theresa (ecottage@gmail.com).
An Order Form/Invoice will be forwarded to you by email so that the amount due may be deposited into our banking account. Our bank details are outlined in the order form/invoice.

In what format are the self-study tutorials?
The tutorials are in e-book format (pdf).

How long does it take one to complete the tutorial, or do we progress at our own pace?
These are self-study tutorials and the trainee completes the modules at their own pace. Modules are dealt with separately, which means that the user can focus on specific areas as required. The information contained in each module is comprehensive, yet concise. Due to the practical nature of the exercises, the trainee can easily work through the steps and apply the lessons to suggested assignments.

Do we have a mentor to guide us through each module?
The course material is written in practical language with examples and assignment exercises. However you may contact Theresa if required.

Are there any exams or tests?
There are no official examinations or tests on conclusion of the tutorial. The true test lies in creating an effective Résumé that includes samples of your writing and a cover letter offering your writing services to editors. Once your work is published online this information should be added to your résumé, with links to the published work.

Is there some sort of certificate presented on completion?
Since SAWN is not a registered educational facility, it is not in a position to issue an official certificate. These self-study tutorials are meant to guide the novice writer to acquaint him or herself with the tools of the trade to becoming a professional writer, editor or self-publisher. The tutorials are written by Theresa Lutge-Smith (published author, writer/editor).The tutorials are based on real-life writing experiences and practical knowledge, as well as feedback from other experts in the field.