Hire A Ghostwriter

Posted by on Jan 2, 2016 in Blog | Comments Off on Hire A Ghostwriter

Hire A Ghostwriter

Everyone has at least one book in them, but the desire to fight off procrastination long enough to get started often derails even the best ideas. They argue that sticking to a disciplined schedule of writing every day is hard enough, getting the work published is even more challenging. Then again, if you want to put your ideas out there for other people to read and find value in your words, it’s pretty much all the incentive you need. Besides, writing the manuscript is not purely an exercise in putting your talent to the test, the process takes you on a journey of exhaustive self-discovery. You are compelled to evaluate the way situations are described and evolve, the style of narrative used to convey nuances, how your characters relate to each other and the reader, and whether the intended interpretation succeeds in stimulating the readers’ imagination and captivating their attention.

People want to write books for different reasons. They want to be famous, generate revenue, or validate their expertise in a specific field. But really the chief motivation should be because they are driven to tell their story or impart knowledge that may benefit others. Book topics abound, particularly in our modern society. People are crying out for books to advance their knowledge through personal development, professional job skills, travel, and biographies of celebrities, fantasy, as well as a host of diverse themes. The job market is constantly demanding that employees and new entrants acquire specialized skills; today the learning curve is a lifelong commitment. And what better way to brush up on basic skills or raise the bar by learning from experts than through books.

Readers search for recreation in reading books, but also solutions to problems, in all kinds of categories. Often the literature available fails to deliver the answers people want, and it is then encumbered upon that individual to research and write the book. Do you have a book in you? You’ll know it’s time to write it when it becomes a healthy obsession to plan a timeline and collate ideas for each sequential chapter. You might be a parent, business owner, educator or executive. Maybe you manage a restaurant or live an extraordinary life. What you know is that you are determined to get published. You’ve tried on your own, but it’s simply not happening. Perhaps you should work with a ghostwriter.

Many prospective authors are bewildered by the hard work and time it takes to write a book, even if it’s only a short eBook. Many believe they do not have the skills to write an entire book, despite being revered as specialists in their field. Writing a quality book is a specialized skill. Writing a book takes lots of time, sometimes several months. A ghostwriter ideally works closely with the author to incorporate content ideas supplied by the author, but applies independent creativity, intelligence, and knowledge to develop the manuscript.

The way ghostwriting works is that the author hires a writer and pays for their work. It is usual to issue a contract that stipulates the respective responsibilities of the author and ghostwriter, deadlines to write and approve content, copyright ownership, and non-disclosure agreement. The author owns all the rights. The name of the ghostwriter is not revealed. Ghostwriting usually involves editing, especially if the book needs to go through a publisher.

Contact Theresa [ecottage@gmail.com] for ghostwriting.