Getting Published

Getting Published is easy – all you have to do is give editors what they want, when they want it. But how do you know what editors want? Successful writers know that effective market study is vital. Any editor will tell you that the vast majority of unsolicited material that lands on their desk is quite unsuitable. The material may be wrong in length, style or choice of subject. Yet studying a copy of the magazine or publication could have helped to avoid these mistakes; submitting a proposal of an idea for a story is another option.

This tutorial is designed for individuals interested in getting their work published, whether using a commercial print or online publisher or by self-publishing a print or e-book; or publishing articles in magazines, journals, newsletters and on web sites. It contains valuable information about the principles of writing for publication as well as guidelines to prepare a manuscript for submission.

You may benefit from submitting your work to an editing service company or writing professional to evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of your story and to ensure that the manuscript or article is publishable.  You will be provided with a written editorial critique based upon ten criteria, including plot, theme, pacing, voice, writing style, internal and external conflict, characterization, dialogue, format and grammar. Each critique is individual and focuses only upon your specific work. The critic’s comments are for your eyes only. The critic might offer you one round of additional questions related specifically to the critique. Your manuscript – generally submitted in digital form as a Microsoft Word or Word Perfect document – will be forwarded to you by e-mail with any “tracking changes” that have been made by the critic. The critic will NOT do a line-by-line edit, but may in some cases make suggestions or minor edits such as grammar or typos.


MODULE 1: Combine four elements
Good writing
Knowledge of writing markets

MODULE 2: Essential writers’ research guides
Professionalism and Courtesy
Increasing your chances of getting published
Choose a title that works

MODULE 3: Develop your ideas, then target the markets
Finding a Publisher
Start a Critique Group

MODULE 4: Marketing your Writing
The Sales Strategy
How to write a proposal for publishing
Query Letter (querying for fiction, non-fiction)

MODULE 5: Manuscript Planning & Formatting

MODULE 6: Estimated Word Count

MODULE 7: Photographs, Slides and Illustrations

MODULE 8: Useful Resources

Contact Theresa ( to order a copy of the tutorial “Getting Published” or if you need assistance to self-publish your work.



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