We can augment your content marketing strategy through Brand Journalism [custom content]. The objective is to put forward beneficial information about your products, services, customers, employees, and relevant issues that you care about. If you have a blog, an e-newsletter, or a membership site, you’ve got a content strategy [its purpose is to yield ROI].
Every piece of custom content must answer five basic questions:
- Who:Who is the story about? Who are the central actors of the piece, and why do they matter? What’s relevant about them that the audience should identify with? Who is your target audience?
- What:What are you doing that matters? What’s the story? Where’s the action? With a custom content piece, it’s critical to define your “what” to attract the intention of a broader audience.
- When:Many editors are known to ask “why this, why now?” What’s the hook that makes this timely and interesting enough to motivate people to read your content? Content performs better when there is a relevant hook. It is important to identify a natural fit between the story you’re trying to tell and when to release it.
- Where:Is there a location angle that’s relevant? What’s the setting and how can you make it come alive? If you’re targeting a local or regional audience, the “where” factor can be critical. If location is a major factor it is important to include small details.
- Why:So what? It’s great that you found a story, but why does it matter and why should anyone care? The “why” is a serious question with brand journalism: Why would a reader care about this particular issue? It’s critical that you establish the “so-what?” question to explore your audience’s needs. What’s the benefit to the reader after having read this piece? Are they informed or inspired? Did you solve a pressing issue? Did it evoke a good laugh or an interesting fact about a favorite celebrity? The aim is to create value for your readers, to keep people interested in your brand.
Contact Theresa [ecottage@gmail.com] to write blog posts, articles, e-newsletter, e-mail messages, and online content.