If you’ve ever been frustrated by the humdrum pace your life has assumed, you will relate to the powerful magnetism of the law of attraction. Bear in mind that it works both ways. Think negative thoughts and you will attract more of the same. Think positive thoughts and you will set in motion an avalanche of occurrences that will surprise and delight you. Don’t be misled. Simply deciding you want some profound change to occur will not magically bring it to pass. You need to bring your mind and heart into alignment first, and make your aspirations totally believable before the law of attraction is triggered. Our brain controls everything we see, say, feel, and do. Yet internal programming acquired throughout our lifetime can block any significant change.
Believe you can address destructive habits or unwanted expressions, and replace the void with constructive goals and aspirations. In other words, you must adopt a mindset that is free from fear or self-doubt. You must train your mind to recognize signals that prompt further investigation. Our mind deciphers information from our external world and determines whether or not it is important to process into reality. However, herein lies the problem. Our sub-conscious mind picks up an excessive amount of impressions from the outside world, while our conscious mind is only made aware of a small fraction of those pieces of information. The brain cleverly compartmentalizes sensory data to facilitate your current mental conditioning, whether it is positive or negative. Because it is totally an inside mental attitude the best technique to initiate the law of attraction is to identify and use healthy habits to generate an attractive lifestyle, whenever you feel lost and in need of direction.
I don’t prescribe experimenting with a random bunch of mismatched hypothetical hit-or-miss outcomes. Avoid the impulse to overwhelm your senses with too many opposing ideas. Remember, there is nothing sinister about the law of attraction. Decide what it is you want to achieve or improve on, and calmly elaborate on that specific aspiration. I believe it is simply hard work mingled with faith and a strong expectation of a realized outcome. It is akin to harvesting an abundant crop; the soil must be optimally nourished before planting the seed to ensure the growth of healthy plants. Similarly, you must prepare your mind to fully understand the implications of the outcome, by thoroughly acquainting yourself with the object of your desire. Everyone is different. Some people have spiritual aspirations while others want to attract material rewards. Irrespective of the anticipated outcome, it is crucial to devote time and energy to enriching your mental environment. The knowledge must be perceived as a tangible reality. Let’s pause for a bit, to think about why you would want to summon the law of attraction in the first place. Is it because you have grown impatient waiting for some profound opportunity to change the course of events? Are you ready to embark on a new chapter in your life? Or are you simply ready at this moment in time to embrace your life’s purpose with dedicated fervor? In my case it’s the latter.
The urge to internalize my personal growth is a driving force that suddenly makes perfect sense. It is comforting to be introspective, without being selfish. Allow yourself to evaluate different options. Think things through, but don’t overthink it. Sometimes it pays to be impulsive. You may want to enroll for a course in a career line that has little or no correlation with your current line of work. Or you may want to break with tradition and embark on a path of self-discovery. Ask questions. Dare to be different. Expand your understanding of humanity and the social ills that beset the world. Train your mind to uncover effective solutions to alleged insurmountable problems. Your dominant thoughts will find a way to manifest positive outcomes. I love reading, mostly non-fiction. My preferred genre is biographies, learning from industry leaders like Richard Branson, Konosuke Matsushita, Alan Sugar and Elon Musk. Not only is it inspiring to learn that success did not simply fall in their laps but that it took blind faith, hard work and dogged persistence to push ahead, tearing down a wall of hurdles threatening to weaken their resolve in the process.
A wise man once shared with me his formula for beating skepticism and rising above callous judgement. He explained that ‘years of people telling you that you will amount to nothing is a powerful incentive; you fight back by showing them otherwise, you tackle anything to prove it can be done.” This determined attitude is like a breath of fresh air in a world that reserves victory and accomplishment for a select few. There’s nothing stopping you from becoming a best-selling author! You can steer your career to land the job of your dreams! If you truly want to renew your floundering mindset, it helps to kick it up a notch by embracing disruptive thinking to scramble stale impressions. You can do this by adopting an outrageous approach to critical reasoning and turning common assumptions on their head. Much like when a molecule bounces off the walls of a container, its velocity changes. So too will your instincts become accelerated. You will stretch your goals beyond the realm of normalcy. Your brain will unlock evolutionary innovation, turning upheaval into opportunity. Fuel your creativity. Be bold and determined. Give yourself permission to be angry. Anger is not a bad thing. Anger is fuel. Channel it into power. The reward of being yourself and believing in yourself is now.