Posts by smithsawn_@1

“Personal” space in today’s world

Posted by on Mar 7, 2017 in Blog, Uncategorized, writing | 0 comments

“Personal” space in today’s world

Everyone wants their space; everyone enjoys being alone sometimes and having at the minimum some time to focus on themselves – or at least everyone deserves such a “space”. by Scott Bruce – Guest writer – see his CV here In today’s world “space” isn’t as freely available as it used to be.  I’m not talking about physical space-well, not entirely.  People are constantly connected today, most people are never in essence “alone”.  Perhaps you are home alone – lucky; but thanks to the ever welcome advances in technology, there is a plethora of devices for you to choose from –and a billion friends on the other side of *twilight zone music*.  For most people, getting a hold of one of their friends or family members is literally as easy as making a phone call or sending an email message; making things easier yet less special and far too frequent for some. When was the last time you wrote or received a letter? People do not take the time to write letters anymore and I understand why.  Letters are tedious – and not everyone has the best penmanship – but everyone’s typing is legible.  For some, the personal touches are left out all together.  Finding your soulmate or “play mate” (to be serious) is as easy as downloading an application and finding the nearest heart-beat.  People have met their soul mates, been dumped by way of a text message, and lost all their dignity through a “sext” scandal – and they didn’t even leave the house. The world is a scary place, and thanks to our own desire to communicate incessantly, we have invited the scary world into our homes – and into ourselves.  A recent survey conducted in the US reveals that today’s youth are being bombarded with irrelevant information from their smartphone. The survey revealed that 51% of Millennials cannot go more than three hours without checking their smartphone. Some may even argue that the current generation is addicted to being “always connected”, constantly being able to find the answer to almost any question; sharing every situation and capturing it all on video – this is the world we all live in.  Due to the constant use of technology, people are becoming overwhelmed with information, connections and personal files.  A photo used to have meaning but today we take thousands of irrelevant photos on a monthly basis, which we “share” with people we do not even know on the Internet for the  gratification that people “like” you. We live in a world of constant information; important information has become clouded with trivial bits and pieces of others lives – 50 or so years ago one would receive a letter addressing the important details of someone’s life – however, today we no longer have the “gap” of distance. People update each other on their every movement, like and dislike – constantly. This constant connection subtracts a great deal from the “personal” factor of life.  Slowly but surely people are moving along a path of similarity, losing what makes us individuals.  We shape our lives based on what is considered appropriate by the rest of the world; peers matter, yet with technology growing at the rate it is, as well as Social Media becoming an integral part of everyday life, your “peers” are no longer your family and friends, but rather the whole world – you’re connected.  Constant comparisons are made; we see what others are doing and we strive to do the same – why? – because everything sounds amazing in theory on social...

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Get published in 2020

Posted by on Jan 20, 2017 in Blog | 0 comments

Get published in 2020

Get published in 2017. Contact Theresa for writing, editing and self-publishing services.

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Posture is Key

Posted by on Nov 17, 2016 in Blog | 0 comments

Posture is Key

Since this is a blog post aimed at people who spend much of their time writing for pleasure or as a profession, you are no doubt reading this article while seated in a chair in front of a computer. And like most computer users, you’ve probably been in this sedentary position for quite a while, shoulders rounded and neck forward. Most of us are guilty of abandoning good common sense to balance our work routine with regular physical activity, even if it’s taking a ten minute walk on the treadmill, doing simple stretch exercises like the ones advocated by the Royal Canadian Air Force, or marching on the spot for about ten minutes. A litmus test if your sitting posture is forcing your spine out of alignment is the extent of back and neck pain you encounter at the end of the day. If you are experiencing fatigue and discomfort, and perhaps have difficulty walking without leaning forward, you may have “sitting disease”. Sitting disease is a new buzzword for a sedentary lifestyle that might be putting your health at risk; this syndrome affects people of all ages, including young children. Sitting Disease Maintaining good posture is vital. Humans are not meant to sit in one position for too long, slumped over a keyboard for hours on end. Our sedentary lifestyle often causes us to develop early arthritis, heart disease, diabetes, lethargy, high blood pressure, osteoporosis, cancer and obesity. In addition, curvature of the spine is a major health issue, contributing to a host of aches and pains and health problems, including behavior abnormalities. The skeleton is the framework of support for all the body’s systems, including circulatory, respiratory, and digestive as well as nervous system functions. Prevention is better, and easier, than cure. Today’s “sitting disease” also includes spending hours behind the wheel, sitting long hours at a desk or workstation, relaxing on the couch watching TV, and sleeping on a faulty mattress. For young children the problem of potential postural issues later in life often starts with having to sit in car seats and strollers. Healthy Muscles As a full-time writer and editor I find it frustrating to be constantly aware of the clock, but I’ve discovered it is imperative to take regular short breaks that involve some sort of physical activity. Of course the solution lies in maintaining a good posture at all times. As a teenager I recall my mother regularly admonishing me to sit up straight, but bad habits creep in when one is engrossed in computer work. The best position to sit at a desk is simply to push your hips as far back as they can go in the chair; adjust the seat height so your feet are flat on the floor and your knees equal to or slightly lower than, your hips. Adjust the back of the chair to a 100°-110° reclined angle; also adjust the armrests (if fitted) so that your shoulders are relaxed. It is my nature to get involved in a project and work at it without monitoring the time it takes to deliver a good end-product. Often, if the project necessitates, I follow a 16-hour a day schedule over several days or weeks, which is hazardous to muscle health. It is vital to keep our muscles healthy to be able to walk, run, jump, lift things, play sports; strong muscles also help to keep your joints in good shape.  However, of late my daily routines have clashed with my goals and I am forced to re-assess old physical and mental habits. I now work at my computer...

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Freelance Writers Wanted

Posted by on Aug 21, 2016 in Blog | 0 comments

Freelance Writers Wanted

These three words — Freelance Writers Wanted — instantly prompts any dedicated freelance writer into action. The opportunity to earn a living working from home and applying a skill that is also their passion, is a dream come true. While Confucius tells us to “choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life”, freelance writers must nonetheless follow a rigid work ethic if they want to establish a solid reputation of being competent and reliable. Research and writing can be demanding of one’s time and energy, but in the end producing a well-written piece is worth the effort. Different Rules Because time is a valuable commodity in most fields of endeavor today, only written material of an exceptional standard should be considered for possible publication. It is equally important to know that writing for print and online publication requires different approaches. Different rules also apply when writing academic papers, technical studies, scripts, manuals and book manuscripts. Writers Voice Do you have what it takes to build a career as a freelance writer? Apart from demonstrating an in-depth knowledge of the topic by way of writing samples, it is critical that the quality of your writing consistently makes a lasting impression, and of course meeting every specification of the brief. A well-written report or article is determined by the use of appropriate words, flawless language, and accurate investigation. Also, in order to attract the attention of editors and readers in general, the writers ‘voice’ must be conveyed in the narrative, to sufficiently rouse and maintain their interest to want to continue reading. Lifelong Learning A big plus is opting for clear unpretentious prose that is easily interpreted by the reader; it is better to be understood than admired for an extensive vocabulary. The composition of good writing should feel like a one-on-one conversation with the writer, using words and techniques that allow the reader to mentally visualize their intention. It is imperative that the freelance writer develop deep expertise in specific industries, including a commitment to lifelong learning in areas of current interest such as encryption, cloud technology, the Internet of Things, lean and agile methods, content marketing, and social media. However, because writing is incredibly subjective, trying to appeal to every client or editor’s sensibilities can be challenging. For example, some online sites or publications claim online articles or blogs should not exceed 500 words, while others prefer long-form content to satisfy the scrutiny imposed by major search engines’ optimization benchmarks. Writers who are determined to make a career of freelance writing are encouraged by the growing demand for writers who can inform, entertain and create a one-on-one connection with readers. Personal Brand When I published my first book, “The Complete Guide to Working from Home” in 1990, the one business profile that made the most sense as a natural offshoot was Freelance Writing. I stepped into the wonderful world of freelance writing close on three decades ago. During this time I have been asked many questions by writers wanting to ‘test the waters’ as freelancers. The most ardent question to date has been “How do I put myself out there among a vast number of international freelance writers who have access to a recurring client base, are highly qualified, boast a versatile repertoire, and have the capability to produce well-researched, well-written plagiarism-free content on a quick turnaround?” Other equally important questions involve finding clients, setting up a dedicated website, building a portfolio, what to charge, contracts, secure payment options, and how to build a personal brand. Marketing yourself as a...

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Writing for children

Posted by on Jul 6, 2016 in Blog, Uncategorized | Comments Off on Writing for children

Writing for children

Imagnary House is a new boutique publishing house for children’s literature in Cape Town, South Africa. Founder and CEO, Brad Harris, says: “We are focused on building a larger market for African children’s authors and illustrators by both igniting the local readership and engaging with international readers.” Website: Imagnary House has just opened their submissions after launching their debut publication (Seven by B. D. Harris), and is now looking to build up their publication list for the next 2 years. What are they looking for? “We love stories that are fun and imaginative, but also address current societal issues for children. We want simple stories that mean something and can feed positively into our children’s futures,” says Brad Harris. Imagnary House will consider submissions in the following genres: Children’s long form fiction (think Roald Dahl and CS Lewis narratives) Picture books Rhyming verse books (think Dr Seuss) Writers and illustrators can submit their work on Imagnary Houses’ submissions page at Writing for children is a challenging endeavour; it demands swiftness, characters that appeal to the age group, fitting dialogue, and factual explanation. Many people today claim they don’t like to read, although there is a marked revival among young people who are finding works by contemporary writers appealing, as well as books from the past by well-known authors. While some non-readers are diagnosed as Dyslexic and may experience specific learning disabilities in reading, most others who seldom if ever pick up a book or magazine to read admit to finding reading for leisure boring, too difficult, not important and a waste of time. Children, in particular, with poor reading habits usually get poor grades at school; they are easily distracted, exhibit anti-social behavior, fail to achieve ego-identity during adolescence, and often fail to develop to their full potential. >...

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