Academic Essay Writing

Posted by on Mar 29, 2018 in Blog | 0 comments

Academic Essay Writing

The purpose of an academic essay is for a scholar to not only demonstrate their understanding of a particular subject and develop their own ideas, but also to understand the ideas of other scholars. Writing an academic essay is also an opportunity for the student to communicate their understanding of the prescribed text and research material, with their lecturer or supervisor.


Enough time

Never rush writing an essay. The process to follow starts with fully understanding the topic or questions. Brainstorm ideas that best outline the topic, including your responses and insights. Write a rough draft and read it critically; consult with your supervisor to verify that you have devised a comprehensive table of contents.

Understand the essay question

Define the problem and find the “introduction words” in the topic. These words tell you what to do; whether you need to analyze, discuss, analyze or argue in order to bring clarity to the essay question. Read the prescribed text as well as different scholarly studies on the same topic; make notes. Express your own views in relation to that of other writer views.

Writing & Editing

An academic essay contains your own interpretation of other scholars’ work, published in books, journals and research studies. The essay must be written in a formal voice and in a carefully structured manner. Take note that the format of the essay takes the reader step-by-step through a well-ordered sequence that connect ideas. All essays must have an introduction, a body and a conclusion. Each paragraph must be logically connected to the thesis statement. It is vital that the content be well written, free of grammatical and spelling errors. Include references that are not older than three years. Follow the referencing style required by the tertiary institute.

The introduction summarizes the problem and the proposed solution. The body of the essay or research study explains the solution in detail, including an explanation how the task will be done, what research methodology will be applied, when the work will commence, and when the procedure will be concluded. The conclusion emphasizes the positive outcome of applying the solution to the problem  The tone in which the closure is written must be confident and assertive.









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