The South African Writers’ Network (SAWN), based in South Africa, is a GLOBAL SERVICE PROVIDER. The online company was launched in October 1995 offering a wide range of editorial services, in the realm of writing, editing and publishing. Since inception the SAWN team has drawn on the Internet as a valuable learning resource and continue to promote ourselves as full-time literary professionals. Click on the image for more information.
We have established long-term relationships with our clients in the USA, UK, Singapore and South Africa. Our editorial competencies has grown over the years to include content writing for social media platforms, B2B writing, B2C writing, Website SEO content, and mind-shift mobile-phone videos. SAWN also posts writing-related jobs and competitions, as well as a blog. The company is well positioned to adapt to the dynamic changes in market conditions due to its core competencies in areas of social media, e-commerce and publishing.
Typical activities carried out by Theresa Lutge-Smith include the following:
- developing subject matter commissioned by an author, and maintaining originality;
- using literary skills to develop themes and story lines, while making characters and plots believable;
- working to tight deadlines;
- offering recommendations to enhance pre-written work through copy editing (light, medium, heavy, stylistic, structural and developmental);
- undertaking independant research as required, to verify factual content of written work;
- conducting interviews telephonically or via email;
- submitting material for approval in the required and expected format;
- ghost writing for others under the other persons name;
- assisting an author to self-publish their work;
- critiquing manuscripts;
- writing a review, synopsis and author biography;
- creating book cover designs and content illustrations;
- assisting an author to present a written proposal to subsidy publishers (Please Note: SAWN is not a Literary Agent);
- developing a marketing campaign to promote self-published works;
- writing articles on diverse topics for publication in print or online;
- reading books or online sources to gain an understanding of the topic;
- preparing layouts and incorporating graphic images with text;
- we understand the importance of client research and their need for confidentiality, and will sign a legally binding confidentiality agreement if required;
- all work is guaranteed plagiarism free;
- all assignments are held in the strictest confidence – client privacy is a priority;
- keeping abreast with the way the Internet and the face and pace of business is continually evolving, in particular the growth of social business networking, advances in PR, IT, SEO, and work organization patterns.
View SAWN’s Business Philosophy
Contact Theresa ( to discuss your writing, editing and publishing requirements.